Fat Lad’s February

Ooops so… not much posting going on round these here parts… Winter Fatigue has oddly pulled my writing mojo from under me rather than pedalling mojo. Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing. Anyways onto the round up:

Running Goal – To run at least once a week:

Still at it. Although last night (Feb 28th) was the only run I managed in that week and so I very nearly blew it at an early stage…

Riding – To Ride 2000 MTB Miles in the year.

February total came in at 146.48 miles I needed to do 173ish. Nearly there helped by Kate pulling my legs of with a thirty miler last week. So for the remainder of the months I’ll need to now do 176ish miles a month. Dead easy for a rider of my calibre


Don’t ask… The scales tell lies. Clothes fitting better than ever but going up in weight… This upsets my statistics loving soul.

Twitter Rides

Kate was very nice and killed me with cake and ace wooded singletrack and the write up will be here shortly.

Blogging more

Kate, Mrs Fat Lad and others are all correct I need to blog more. I’ll get right on it.

Fat Lad